Just thought I'd put it out there that I freaking miss you. Will you come visit me in Princeton? I need a Hannah fix.
Anyway, I've been loving the fact that when I check our blog, there are actually blog posts more often than not! We're actually writing. Remember when we used to have massive writer's block disease? I don't know if there's time for that anymore. There are so many things to say now for some reason.
One thing I have to say: I think Taylor Swift and Adam from Owl City should get married. They are both living in fairy-tale land anyway, so I think it'd be perfect.
Another thing: That book you're reading sounds really interesting. I would love to read it when you're done!! The thing that got me the most was under "Symptoms of failure to bond." Excessive caretaking? Why would that be under failures? I mean, anything that is excessive isn't good, but why would caretaking be a bad thing? I'm not sure if I have this down (which is why I would like to read the book), but I think what they're talking about is spending all of your energy taking care of other people and yourself. Am I wrong? Assuming that I have this right, excessive caretaking would be bad because instead of focusing on your own relationship with God and letting Him hold you together, you're spending all of your time taking care of yourself or someone else. Maybe caretaking helps us hide from our problems instead of facing them with God's strength. We aren't supposed to be super humans, though. We are supposed to look to God who is the ultimate Caretaker.
Being in Princeton is showing me so many things. Not only am I paying to live on campus, but I am paying for food. I'm paying for everything, actually. I bike to the grocery store, I cook my own food every night. I go to work, I babysit, I teach lessons. Even though I'm still in a silly dorm, I am more of an adult than I've ever been. For the first time in my life I said no to crawling back home and retreating to underneath the covers of my bed upstairs...next to my parent's room. NO MORE. I must start being a grown-up. And let me tell you: I have never been so carefree. This is one of the most carefree summers of my life. Regardless of the cost of living, regardless of work, teaching for the first time, taking care of babies. All the while attempting to record a CD this summer.
The fact that I am trying to be on my own can be a little stressful. I could go home at the end of June and save money, stay at home, sleep in everyday, walk my dog, play with my kitty, watch numerous episodes of Grey's Anatomy and Wizards of Waverly Place, and swim at the pool and "babysit" a girl who is almost 13. But as Owl City says, "Ponderosa canopy, I'd never leave if it were up to me." Side note: Amber Rose made me a copy of Owl City's new album. I love it.
I mean...I do plan on leaving for a week or two in July. Then I will get to play with Boogie.
Anyway, that's all for now! Keep writing music Hannah! I want to hear some of your new stuff! I am recording my new song on Saturday. It will complete the 5 song CD that will be coming out soon, hopefully.
I love you! Visit me! Muah!
Hannah L
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