Monday, April 25, 2011

the forgotten.

My friend posted this trailer on my wall:

This is what came out afterwards:

How could I have forgotten you?
All the stories that have never been uncovered
That only those who took the time to stop and look, knew about.
Something moved within me this morning
Watching those images.
My old self woke up somehow.
Knowing that I have to do something about those who are cast out these days,
Those who are unloved,
Those who are told they have no place in this world,
Those who are devalued,
Those who are forgotten.

I made it a point not to forget the forgotten,
But that is exactly what I've done.
I'm sitting here,
I'm supposed to be studying for a test,
But how can I when I know that you are suffering,
That you are held in captivity,
That you are being beaten,
That you are isolated,
That you are walked past,
That you are hungry, thirsty, naked,
That you've been forgotten.

But you are forgotten no longer
For I will come find you.
I will come find you so that I can
Hold you,
Feed you,
Clothe you,
Tell you that you are worth more than anything of this world,
Give you a chance,
Love you.
Let me not worry about myself being forgotten,
But let me intentionally seek out those who are.

This is what we were made for.

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